Saturday, January 11, 2014

Confederate/Union Strengths and Weaknesses and First Battles: Ft. Sumter/Bull Run

Confederate/Union Strengths and Weaknesses and First Battles-Ft. Sumter/Bull Run


Strengths  |  Weaknesses
  • Most battles were fought on familiar land   
  • Great military leaders! (Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson)
  • Europe's support
  • Agriculture

  • Not as many railroads and trains (not as many supplies can be received and less transportation)
  • Small population
  • Inadequate amount of soldiers compared to the North
  • More than 1/3 of the South's population was comprised of slaves
  • Not enough men to defend vulnerable land
  • Few factories and sparse supplies       
  • Weak navy
  • Less experienced government (started with the Union-Union has more experience)                 


Strengths  |  Weaknesses

  • Greater population (more than double the south's population: North-22 million South-9 million)
  • More soldiers than South
  • More railroads and trains (more supplies can pass through Northern territory and more transportation [can transport men easily])
  • More factories (more supplies can be made: 90% of goods in U.S. were produced in the North ; access to more weapons because of the weapon making industry and firearms)
  • Strong navy
  • Experienced government (government knows how to run itself)

  • Land they battled on was unfamiliar
  • Hesitant generals
  • Generals not as experienced as the Confederacy's
  • No support from other countries

Fort Sumter

Fort Sumter was the first battle of the Civil War. It is located in the harbor of Charleston, SC.  During this battle, the North united against the South for the first time. The North considered the fort to be Union ground while the South considered it a confederate fort. Lincoln gave South Carolina the choice of either letting the Union give provisions to the fort, or the South opening fire. On April 12, 1861, South Carolina stated their position in the argument by opening fire. These shots marked the first battle of the Civil War. All together, this battle lasted about two days and ended with the South capturing the Union Fort Sumpter (Sumter may be spelled and pronounced with a p).

An image that depicts Fort Sumpter during battle :
Bull Run

The Battle of Bull Run, or commonly known to Southerners as Manassas, took place in Bull Run Creek (Virginia). On July 21, 1861, 30,000 Union troops marched to Bull Run Creek, where the Confederates were stationed. Many Northern citizens thought that the battle would be an easy win. They all gathered to watch the battle unfold with the thought of the Union crushing the South. Throughout the Battle, the Union showed strength and was close to winning. Right when the Union was about to win, General Stonewall Jackson brought reinforcements. As a result, the Union army fled back to Washington through fear. At the end of the war, there was 3,000 Union casualties (460 killed), and 2,000 Confederate casualties (387 killed).

This is a famous drawing of the Battle of Bull Run. : 

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