Saturday, January 11, 2014

Secession in GA and Alexander Stephens’ role

Secession in GA and Alexander Stephens’ role

In 1861, at Georgia's Secession Convention, Georgia voted to secede from the Union. Unlike other states, Georgia's vote was not unanimous. South Carolina unanimously voted on their secession. Secessionists wanted to break away from the Union, while cooperationists wanted to stay with union. Alexander Stephens, the President of the Confederacy, was initially not sure about secession. He was a supporter of the Compromise of 1850, as long as the Northerners complied with the Fugitive Slave Act. He soon believed that slavery was unavoidable. After deciding his position on these arguments, Alexander Stephens became the Vice President of the Confederacy. 

This is a portrait of Alexander Stephens. Portrait

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