Thursday, January 9, 2014

Gettysburg, Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Union blockade of GA’s coast

Battle of Gettysburg

General Robert E. Lee decided to step up his game and invade Northern territories (Maryland, Pennsylvania). Lee hoped to force the North to call for peace and gain foreign input in the South by invading the Northern states, capturing a Northern city, or destroying the Union army. The Battle of Gettysburg was the bloodiest battle of the Civil War. It took place in southern Pennsylvania. On July 1, 1863, the Southern army invaded Union units at Gettysburg and torched the bloodiest and most vital battle of the war.  On the second and third days of this three day battle, Lee's attack on the Union lines were ineffective and destroyed parts of the Confederacy instead of the Union (their plan back-fired).  The total loss of men in Gettysburg was 50,000 (casualties).The rest of Lee's troops retreated to Virginia, where they were never able to stealthily reproach the Union again.

This painting depicts the battle scene of Gettysburg:
  • General Grant was the Union General at this time


During the spring of 1863, the Union gained authority of New Orleans, most of the Mississippi River, and the neighboring valley. The Union's goal was to gain full control of the Mississippi River and was close to being accomplished when Union General Ulysses S. Grant began his persecution of Vicksburg, Mississippi. Union battery barraged Vicksburg until seven weeks later, when the Confederates surrendered the city and 29,000 soldiers to Union control. Now the Union controlled the full length of the Mississippi and succeed in their plan to divide the south. (Texas, Louisiana, and Arkansas.)

This shows the Siege of Vicksburg: 

Gettysburg Address

Abraham Lincoln was the author of the famous Gettysburg Address. He delivered this speech on November 19, 1863, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. This speech describes the foundation of this nation ; liberty, equality, and dedication to this nation. 

Here is the original copy of the Gettysburg Address:


The Battle of Chickamauga and Chattanooga

The Battle of Chickamauga was the first considerable battle fought in Georgia. The battle was a total of two days (September 18-20, 1863). This battle is considered the second bloodiest in the Civil War. Chickamauga was fought near the Chickamauga River (That is how it got its name). This battle was lead and fought by the Union army led by General Rosencrans and the Confederate army led by General Bragg. Union General Rosencrans wanted to pressure Confederate General Bragg out of central Tennessee (Chattanooga). Rosencrans did not succeed with ousting Bragg because General Bragg shattered Union lines. Thomas' XIV Corps helped send the Confederates back to Georgia. While the rest of the Union was retreating from battle, Thomas kept a stubborn defense. As a result, he earned the nickname "The Rock of Chickamauga".  As the Union army retreated, they were surrounded by the Confederates. Grant gave Thomas the task of keeping Chattanooga in Union hands. When Grant got back from the west, the two men worked together to fend off the Confederates. This is how the Battle of Chattanooga began. 
The Battle of Chattanooga (Chattanooga Campaign) was fought between November 23-25, 1863. This was peaked with Thomas' men capturing Missionary Ridge. This battle ended by paving the way for the Atlanta Campaign and The March to the Sea.

The Battle of Chattanooga is pictured above. ^

 Union blockade of GA’s coast

The Union blockaded Georgia's coast to keep it from receiving supplies such as weaponry, ammunition, and food. The Union also blockaded Georgia's coast to prevent Georgia from exporting its number one good; cotton. (most of Georgia's money comes from cotton)

This shows what the Union blockade looks like on a map.

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